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Staten som trädgårdsmästare
When construction of the first railway main lines began in the mid-19th century, plantings were an integral part of the railway system. They consisted of ornamental, protective and domestic plantings. Even though the plantings consumed large areas and resources for quite some time, little is known today about how they came to be and when the perception of them began to change. The book, which is Anna Lindgren’s doctoral thesis, examines the events and ideals that characterised the construction and downsizing of the state railway’s planting activities in Sweden, limited to the two periods 1855–1875 and 1955–1975.
The book is part of the Acta series, Gothenburg Studies in Conservation 54.
Title: Staten som trädgårdsmästare. Järnvägens planteringar från naturförsköningskonst till testamente
Author: Anna Lindgren
Publisher: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis
Year of publication: 2022
Number of pages: 214
ISBN: 978-91-7963-113-0
Price: SEK 270, including postage
Planteringar vid järnvägen
When the construction of passenger railways began in the mid-19th century, it meant a major change in society, the landscape and people’s everyday lives. Within the new large technical system, plantings were used for different functions – for decoration, utility and protection. The study is based on four examples: Alingsås, Eslöv, Stockholm South Station and Hallsberg. The author, Anna Lindgren, describes how the work with the first plantings took place, how the planting activities within Statens Järnvägar (SJ) were made into a separate organisation, and the reasons behind the plantings. The book, which is also a licentiate thesis, is based on previously unknown archive material and shows that plantings were a given part of the new railway facilities and the transformation of the landscape.
The book is part of the Acta series, Gothenburg Studies in Conservation 47.
Title: Planteringar vid järnvägen. Funktion och organisation under stambanornas första tid
Author: Anna Lindgren
Graphic design: Mikael Dunker
Publisher: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis
Year of publication: 2020
Number of pages: 212
ISBN: 978-91-7963-026-3
Price: SEK 250, including postage
The yearbook Spår is published in cooperation with the Friends of Swedish Railway Museum association. It has been published since 1986 and contains longer articles on various aspects of railway history. Shorter articles are published in the Friends of Swedish Railway Museum association’s members’ magazine Sidospår, which is issued four times a year.
For more information on the Friends of Swedish Railway Museum association (external website)
Stars of Swedish Railway Museum
The museum’s locomotives and carriages are presented in a number of short stories illustrated with old and new pictures from the museum’s collections. Starting in 1829 and the efforts of a fugitive inventor, museum director Robert Sjöö recounts speed records in the early 1900s and the last Swedish steam locomotive built in the 1950s, as well as sleeper carriages, postal cars and royal carriages, and steam locomotives, electric locomotives and motorised locomotives. Here the reader will get to meet, for example, the forgotten locomotive, the tired wolf on the Bergslagen Line and the orange rail buses!
Title: Järnvägsmuseets stjärnor
Author: Robert Sjöö
Graphic design: Mikael Dunker
Year of publication: 2018
Number of pages: 300
ISBN: 978-91-979-236-9-9
Price: SEK 200
NOTE: The book is also available in Swedish with the title Järnvägsmuseets stjärnor