Trolley MTR 033 3091
In the past, it was common for railway maintenance personnel to use small motorised trolleys to transport personnel and materials on the track.
In 1963, Hilding Carlssons Mekaniska Verkstad in Umeå delivered motor trolley MTR 032 3091 to SJ’s rail department. In 1988, it was extensively renovated at Kalmar Verkstad and was given its current appearance and the new designation MTR 033 3091.
The motorised trolley can travel up to 70 km/h, it is 5,100 mm long, weighs 3.6 tonnes, but can carry an additional weight of 3 tonnes. There is a turntable underneath so you can turn it on the track.
The engine is a VW LT31. The motorised trolley was renovated by our non-profit Friends of Swedish Railway Museum (Järnvägsmusei Vänner) in Gävle, and in the summer of 2016 it showed its colours when it was used as a fire watch on the Inland Line (Inlandsbanan) all the way to Gällivare.